Shut Down Restart Procedure for Solar Power Systems

Take note of the light’s status on an inverter. Green indicates solar on and Red indicates solar off.

Shut Down Procedure (Turning System OFF)

  • Switch off “Main Switch Inverter Supply” located in the Distribution Board / Main
    Switchboard / Meter box.
  • Switch off “AC Isolator” installed adjacent to an inverter.
  • Switch off “PV array DC Isolator” located on an Inverter (or if installed next to
  • All Lights on an Inverter will be off after shutdown.

Restart Procedure (Turning System ON)

  • Switch on “PV array DC Isolator located on an Inverter (or if installed next to
  • Switch on “AC Isolator” installed adjacent to an inverter.
  • Switch on “Main Switch Inverter Supply” located in the Distribution Board / Main
    Switchboard / Meter box.
  • It can take between 2 – 5 min for the inverter to warm up and start working as normal.
    You may notice during the warm up that all the lights on the inverter are on or
    flickering, this is normal and when the inverter is working the green light will stay on.
If you need to speak one of the team, call us on (1300) 039 200.

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